Marking the World Day against Trafficking in Persons was a unique event and exhibition held in cooperation with on July 30, 2021 in Vienna, Austria and live-streamed globally

By emphasizing the voices of individuals with lived experience in human trafficking, we aim to:

  • amplify their important messages
  • showcase their multidimensionality
  • destigmatize the discussion around lived experience in human trafficking
  • engage and empower others facing related challenges
  • depict human trafficking in a variety of situational and societal contexts
  • create more effective solutions for dealing with human trafficking and its aftermath


Meet the presenters and artists

HRH Princess Eugenie, Co-Founder,
The Anti-Slavery Collective,
keynote message via video
Kendall Alaimo

Kendall Alaimo


Rania Ali

Rania Ali


Billy Batware

Billy Batware


Mădălina Bot

Mădălina Bot


Ruchira Gupta

Ruchira Gupta


Tatiana Kotlyarenko

Tatiana Kotlyarenko


Malaika Oringo

Malaika Oringo


Les Simm

Les Simm


Heather Wokusch

Heather Wokusch


Hyab Yohannes

Hyab Yohannes


Laurent Ziegler

Laurent Ziegler


Join Us

Join Us



Held on July 30, 2021 in Vienna, Austria and live-streamed globally

Held on July 30, 2021 from 6-7.30pm CEST at the Vienna School of International Studies and freely available via live-stream.


Welcome by Co-Moderators
Heather Wokusch, Director of Development, International Forum for Understanding
Billy Batware, Programme Officer, Civil Society Unit, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Video Message
HRH Princess Eugenie, Co-Founder, The Anti-Slavery Collective

Monologue Performance
Rania Ali debuts an original work about her lived experience with human trafficking and the aftermath: ‘Facing the Ghosts of Our Past’

‘Lived Experience Leads: Learning from Individuals Who Have Been Trafficked’

In January 2021, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) launched the International Survivors of

Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC), consisting of 21 leading individuals with lived experience in human trafficking. Three of these

inspiring people join us remotely to share their ideas on more effectively dealing with human trafficking and its aftermath.

Panelists (alphabetically):

Kendall Alaimo, ISTAC and The University Alliance (remote)

Malaika Oringo, ISTAC and Footprint to Freedom (remote)

Hyab Yohannes, ISTAC (remote)

and Co-Moderators

Laurent Ziegler, ISTAC

Tatiana Kotlyarenko, Adviser on Anti-Trafficking Issues for the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Joins remotely to discuss the groundbreaking report: ‘GUIDANCE – Addressing Emerging Human Trafficking Trends and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic’

Video Message
Ruchira Gupta, Social Justice Feminist campaigner and Founder of Apne Aap Women Worldwide

Les Simm, Executive Director, International Forum for Understanding

Held on July 30, 2021 from 6-7.30pm CEST at the Vienna School of International Studies and freely available via live-stream.

We are proud to showcase:

Laurent Ziegler
»Die Erinnerung an meine Kindheit«

Laurent Ziegler is a photographer and artist focusing on installation and performative work. He is also the author of the print publication »Die Erinnerung an meine Kindheit«, an autobiographical analysis of traumatic experiences of childhood trafficking and ritual abuse, captured in paintings, drawings, text and photography. Select original images from the publication will be on display in this exhibition.

Kendall Alaimo

Kendall Alaimo is a professionally trained artist who believes in using art as a catalyst to create dialog around child sex trafficking. Her art is bright and playful in its aesthetics but dark in the truthful narrative she sheds light on. A variety of Kendall Alaimo’s work will be displayed in this exhibition, ranging from digital, interactive versions of her paintings to an installation connected to the launch of her Red Chair initiative.

Apne Aap

Apne Aap is a women’s rights organisation that works to create a world in which no woman or girl is bought or sold. At the beginning of the pandemic, it launched the project #OneMillionMeals to ensure basic survival for the most vulnerable women in India who almost never receive aid.

  • Virtual Museum of Grassroots Feminist Action
    Showcases Apne Aap’s collective work over the past year and creates an online space bridging women’s struggles worldwide

  • #OneMillionMeals: Virtual Learning Interaction
    Explores Apne Aap’s extraordinary #Onemillionmeals initiative


‘Breaking Free from Human Trafficking: An Interactive Event and Exhibition for 2021’ was implemented by and sponsored by the Cambridge-based International Forum for Understanding.

This event and exhibition took place on the campus of  Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies

Many thanks to Julian Pöschl and for coordinating and directing all film production aspects of the event and all tech elements of the exhibition

Also many thanks to Habegger-Austria for its generous support of the event and art exhibition

Many thanks also to Lichtermacher for its valued support regarding tech equipment


The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals specifically mention human trafficking in the targets of three Goals: 5, 8, and 16

  • Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
  • Target 8.7: Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.
  • Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children.

In the same way that the SDGs were designed to be intersectional and holistic, this event and exhibition take a collaborative approach to reaching the Targets.